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RIF Information 


A Letter From our Recruitment Chair

Hi!! My name is Olivia Claire Smith and I have the privilege of serving as Chi Omega’s Recruitment Chair for 2024-2025! Recruitment has made me fall in love with Chi O all over again and it has highlighted the genuine love and true authenticity of the chapter. I am so proud to be part of this sisterhood!


Recruitment can be so intimidating! As I look back on my freshman year, I remember coming to Baylor and only knowing a few girls older than me and only having a general idea as to what the process looked like.  Regardless of whether you’re feeling anxious with anticipation or over-the-moon excited, please find comfort in knowing that Chi Omega's mission is to know and love your heart. I remember experiencing the need to be perfect and have everything together while going through recruitment. However, I realized early on that Chi O didn’t want me for my jokes, my outfit, or my smile- they wanted me for me. The relationships that I have formed within Chi Omega are irreplaceable. I have found sisterhood with women who celebrate my victories and sit with me in the hard moments. Chi Omega has given me a community where I am so much better because of the incredible women I’m surrounded by. ​


I want to encourage you to look at those around you! Pursue the community that is pouring into you and hold tightly to the friends that feel like forever. While the purpose of recruitment is for each girl to find their home, please understand that a sorority will not define you. No letters or titles will complete you, rather the mission is to meet you where you’re at and encourage you towards the greatest version of yourself. Baylor is such a special place filled with the most wonderful people, and Chi O has placed the most phenomenal friends and future bridesmaids in my life. It really is the highlight of college! The Chi Omega symphony says it best- to be “Womanly always, discouraged never” and “Loveable rather than popular”. The unwavering love and life-giving friends you will find here are unmatched and honestly indescribable.


The recruitment process at Baylor is a unique perspective that allows for sincere, deep connections to be made and beautiful relationships to form, it’s unlike anything you will experience elsewhere. We are overjoyed that you are here and cannot wait to see how you thrive! We are so excited to meet you!!!


Olivia Claire Smith


RIF Information

My name is Rori Glinski and I am the RIF Chair for the 2024-25 recruitment year at Baylor. To submit a RIF there is an online RIF system that provides a RIF with the same content as the past paper form and delivers it to the chapters recruitment team as well as the RIF advisor within minutes of submitting all of the correct information.


We highly suggest that RIFS are submitted online due to expediting the process and ensuring that each RIF has all the information needed for approval. If you have any questions about the electronic process.


Please Email RIF Questions to:

Rori Glinski /


All paper RIFs, Letters of Recommendation and Letters of Support should be mailed to:


Chi Omega
One Bear Place #85613

Waco, TX 76798


Online RIFs can be found by logging into the Chi Omega EveryDay website:

PNMS: if you need help in finding a Chi Omega alumnae to write a RIF, please use this form:

For more information about Sorority Spring Recruitment and Greek Life and to register for Recruitment:
Please see the Panhellenic site at:


Baylor Panhellenic recruitment is unique from other universities around the nation. Specifically, recruitment is held at the beginning of the spring semester. Formal recruitment is comprised within five days: open house day, philanthropy day, sisterhood day, preference day and bid day. To learn more about 2025 recruitment and how you can join, visit student activities.


© 2023 by Chi Omega at Baylor

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