The heartbeat behind the Theta Kappa chapter of Chi Omega is service. Throughout the year, our chapter participated in events like Chili Cook Off and Bed Races, Swishes for Wishes and profit shares that fundraise money for our philanthropy, Make-A-Wish. Along with serving Make-A-Wish, our chapter has the opportunity to give back locally through Mission Waco. There are countless ways for members to be involved and serve in many different areas. Hear what Lindsay Mahler, MC ‘20, has to say about how The Rock at Mission Waco has given her the opportunity to serve students in our area.
“Theta Kappa consistently empowers its members to live with compassion and empathy. Our heartbeat is service and philanthropy, which is evident in our involvement with Mission Waco and Make-A-Wish. Going into my third year as a Baylor Chi Omega, I have gotten to experience the power of hope these organizations provide. Mission Waco and Make-A-Wish alike create the power that inspires, encourages, and equips those they serve,” said Mahler.

“I have been serving with Mission Waco since my freshman year, after being connected there through our service chair. More specifically, I help out at Mission Waco’s ‘The Rock,’ an after-school program for kids in the North Waco area. The Rock provides a place for elementary-aged kids to get help with homework, express themselves creatively, and make friends in a safe environment. One thing that I especially love about The Rock is that it also focuses on the spiritual growth and character development of all the kids that go there. Watching so many of the kids at Mission Waco grow up during my 4 years at Baylor has been such a gift. I have been shown the importance of investing in the youth of our community, and volunteering at The Rock has been a major influence in my desire to become a pediatrician in an underserved population. I am so grateful that Chi Omega connected me with this organization and that I always have sisters to serve alongside there.”
The memories that Theta Kappa’s have made while serving at Mission Waco are ones that many hold near to their hearts. Several of our members have been empowered for a lifetime of service from our partnership with Mission Waco.
“Theta Kappa consistently empowers its members to live with compassion and empathy. Our heartbeat is service and philanthropy, which is evident in our involvement with Mission Waco and Make A Wish. Going into my third year as a Baylor Chi Omega, I have gotten to experience the power of hope these organizations provide. Mission Waco and Make A Wish alike create the power that inspires, encourages, and equips those they serve,” said Service Director Maggie Summerlin. “Volunteering with Mission Waco has been a great joy where you are able to meet people face to face right where they are in life. I had not heard about Mission Waco until I was a new member in Chi Omega, and what started as one day volunteering at Clothesline, has led to a life dedicated to serving. From Urban REAP to Youth Program to Friday Morning Breakfast, the time I have spent volunteering at mission Waco has been life-changing. I have dedicated countless hours listening to stories from participants about how they landed in Waco, where they dream to go, and gaining vital advice from the people in society most would deem as castaways. Chi Omega has provided the open door to these opportunities, ones that I’m eternally grateful to experience. You learn how to love without an agenda, how to serve while being served.”