Since 1895, one of the main pillars of Chi Omega has been service to others. Starting in 2002, Chi Omega joined with Make-A-Wish to grant wishes and provide services for children and families battling a terminal illness. Since then, Chi Omega has raised over 35 million dollars and has volunteered over 1.4 million hours for Make-A-Wish.
Here at Chi Omega Theta Kappa, we hold "Wish Week" every semester, leading up to our philanthropy event. “Wish Week” is when we host profit shares with local companies, t-shirt sales, letter campaigning and social media fundraising. In the Spring of 2024, we held our event “Swishes for Wishes” which is a 3v3 basketball tournament. Our biggest event happens in the Fall, “Chili Cook-O and Bed Races,” where Chi Omega partners with the men of Alpha Tau Omega to raise money for Make-A-Wish. This includes a Chili Cook-O and Bed Racing competition. Alongside those events, we bring out local companies to vendor at the event and dierent activities for the whole Baylor community to participate in!
More importantly, our dedication to Make-A-Wish goes beyond the money raised during dierent events. It is about the relationships we are able to develop with wish families. We strive to help Make-A-Wish grant families wishes to bring hope, light, and joy into a dicult season of life. Each event that Chi Omega at Baylor holds for Make-A-Wish is done with the utmost integrity, love, and service towards the wish community. For more information, visit the link below.

My name is Sydney Andros and I am honored to serve as the Baylor Chi Omega Service Director for 2024. Chi Omega is a proud sponsor and partner with Make-A-Wish and has been partnered with them since 2002. Since we started this partnership, we have been able to raise over $490,000 for Make-A-Wish, and this past fall we donated the most service hours to Make-A-Wish overall. Something so special about Make-A-Wish is that they give families support to live their lives and regain hope outside of the hospital. Whereas so many organizations fund medical bills for the critically ill, Make A Wish captures magical moments in the lives of children by granting their wishes for the trip of their dreams, something equally important in different ways. A wish combats the sadness found in a hospital with joy and hope, some of the best forms of medicine.
This past year, Baylor Chi Omega raised over $30,000 from our 2023 philanthropy events, which grants wishes for many children. For the past couple of years, we have had the privilege of walking alongside a Make-a-Wish family and helping a child grant their wish. It is always a very special moment for the chapter to be able to see the impact of their hard work and support Make-A-Wish. We are so proud to partner with this awesome Philanthropy and look forward to granting more wishes!

Swishes for Wishes